Sibelius 7

Download Sibelius 7

Mac, 247 MB

Sibelius 7 Download

Sibelius is an application that contains the essential features to create professional-quality music, being affordable for serious and casual musicians. It is a great tool to download if you are a composer, thanks to the authentic plugins of orchestra sounds and the massive instrument libraries included in this program, but it could take a couple of hours to install all the components.

This composer focuses on composition and the making of classical score, so it requires basic knowledge about score and music to obtain tangible results. It includes intuitive features to adjust tempos and other very useful ones such as all the necessary for orchestrating and writing, or the Magnetic Layout that ensures that each bar is legible and each note is correctly spaced.

You can scan staffs and make them editable files. Also, you can record voice or monophonic instrument and transform it into a score. Of course, you will also have several options for note entry. There is a PDF guide, but there are not tutorials for students. However, you can find a great tutorial video explaining the primary functionalities.

Sibelius 7 Interface


  • It has a conventional mixer with vertical faders
  • With MusicXML you can export to other music applications and programs, if they support the protocol notation
  • Automatic collision avoidance: Quick and easy placement of musical signs
  • To add chord symbols and guitar fretboard diagrams you only need to play the chord on your MIDI keyboard or guitar
  • Easy insertion of text
  • It turns guitar tab into a score, and back again
  • It has the ability to scan printed scores or PDF files for editing
  • Automatic updating of parts
  • ReWire support

How To Use

Once you download and install this composer program, you can get orientation with the option Quick Star, from which you are free to create new music, watch tutorials, access recent documents, see the templates that exist or see the latest news from Sibelius. To create your staff, you must go to New Score tab and choose one of the more than 60 templates out there. Select the template, you can include instruments on it, specify the initial time signature, the armor or tempo.

To open the blank score you will see that there is a fairly complete menu at the top of the window with the tabs: File, Home, Note Imput, Notations, Play, Layout, Appearance and Themes, Parts and Review. Select the score template to use from the Home tab, choose the instruments, compasses and filters with which you will work.

Choose and introduce your notes from the Note Imput tab. You will have at your disposal keyboard shortcuts to work faster. Notations tab offers basic signs, not notes, useful to work on your project. Text tab lets you include text in your scores and the Play tab lets you play and mix your music. Finally, after viewing your staff, you can export it, send it to a friend or print it free of costs.

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